mexancab® has been a leader in custom cable design and manufacturing for five decades. Our design analysis, cutting-edge materials and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities provide global solutions for a variety of industries such as Construction,Industrial Plant, Transportation, Entertainment, and Robotics.

 These dynamic industries are continuously being pushed to new limits, and mexancab® Custom Cable Technologies is there to provide the best, most reliable custom cables to better enable their progress.

 At mexancab®, we believe in our product. We pride ourselves on being a cable manufacturer with an eye towards the future. Our products are tried, tested, and vetted by our team, ensuring the highest quality cable solution for the most prominent industries around the globe.

Performance, quality, and innovative design are at the forefront of our company. Our experienced staff of engineers and experts continues to develop ways to improve our products, giving customers the tools needed to create better technology for the an ever-changing world.

 As a Power cable manufacturer, we offer a wide variety of custom cables designed for use in deep water and extreme construction environments, but that’s not our only area of expertise. We create cables for construction, industrial, pipe inspection and even entertainment industry use.  Since the 2005s, the professionals at mexancab® Inc., have worked to build the company’s reputation as a custom cable company with the highest standards to meet and exceed your requirements. 

 Whether you want a custom cable design or cables to use in extreme special environments, mexancab®, Inc. likely has what you’re searching for.Contact mexancab® Custom Cable Technologies today to find out how our skilled professionals can design a custom cable solution to meet all your need.